React data loading

There are two ways a React component can receive data:

  • Top-down
  • Sideways

Most applications and Compoents are a mixture of these two types of components. In modern applications all components should be written as Top-down and then wrapped in a container to be transformed into a sideways data-loaded component.


Top-down data is passed through composition from Parent to Child:

const Parent = (props) =>
  <div className="main">
    <HelloWorld sayHello={props.sayHello} />
const HelloWorld = (props) =>


Sideways data is fetched at the Parent level from a store and then passed all Children are rendered Top-down:

import actions from '../actions/helloActions';
import store from '../stores/store';

const ParentContainer = () =>
  <Parent sayHello={store.getHello()} onClick={action.onSayHelloClick} />
const Parent = (props) =>
  <div className="btn" onClick={props.onSayHelloClick}>
    <HelloWorld sayHello={props.sayHello} />
const HelloWorld = (props) =>