Custom Validation Messages and I18N

Custom messages are dependent on the strategy chosen. The below example assumes joi-validation-strategy.

There are two ways to define custom messages; on the schema via options and globaly as joiOptions provided to the strategy.

See Joi'slanguage.js for a complete list of messages

1) Options provided to specific schema

By providing the options to an individual schema, you can override messages when validating the single field.

validatorTypes:  {
  firstName: Joi.string().required().label('First Name'),
  lastName: Joi.string().allow(null).label('Last Name'),
  email: Joi.string().email().min(3).max(10).required().label('Email').options({
    language: {
      any: {
        required: '{{key}} custom required message.',
      string: {
        base: '{{key}} custom string message.',
        email: '{{key}} custom email message.',

2) Global message override via strategy

By providing the options to the strategy, the custom messages will be applied to all schema validations. Using this pattern you can externalize the overrides and provide Internationalization or centrally manage all messages displayed to users.

const options = {
  language: {
    any: {
      required: '{{key}} custom required message.',
    string: {
      base: '{{key}} custom string message.',
      email: '{{key}} custom email message.',
export default validation(strategy(options))(component);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""