Migrating to 5.0

Follow these steps to have a seemless migration from 4.x to 5.0

install a strategy

react-validation-mixin is now extendable via strategies. You will need to install the joi-validation-strategy separately.

> npm install --save joi-validation-strategy


> yarn add joi-validation-strategy

export your component

Wrap the component with the validation mixin and supporting strategy on export:

export default validation(strategy)(Component);

this.validatorTypes and this.getValidatorData

Implement both validatoryTypes and getValidatorData: (Invariants will be thrown when these methods are not implemented)

validatorTypes = {
  username: Joi.string().alphanum().min(3).max(30).required().label('Username'),
  password: Joi.string().regex(/[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,30}/).label('Password')

getValidatorData() {
  return this.props;


This method no longer returns an array; unless the datatype is an array.



Your component will now receive the validation API as props.

propTypes = {
  errors: PropTypes.object,
  validate: PropTypes.func,
  isValid: PropTypes.func,
  handleValidation: PropTypes.func,
  getValidationMessages: PropTypes.func,
  clearValidations: PropTypes.func,

results matching ""

    No results matching ""